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Category: Mortgages for doctors

Should you remortgage as a doctor or medical professional?

  If you take stock of your monthly expenses, you’ll probably see that your mortgage is one of – if…

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Mortgage rates set to rise by most since 2008

Mortgage rates are expected to rise over coming months, which could mean homeowners face the biggest increase in mortgage costs…

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Why your bank might not be the best mortgage provider

Securing a mortgage should be an easy process for doctors. Usually, doctors are in secure employment, unlikely to default on…

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Can I use my home as my pension?

Can I use my home as my pension? It’s important to have a diverse retirement plan that consists of multiple…

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Lenders Are Adjusting Their Mortgage Affordability Assessments

It’s important you know exactly what size mortgage you can afford before you jump head-first into a property search. Arm…

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Mortgages for doctors – 8 tips for locum doctors, self employed doctors, GP and other medical professionals.

Mortgages for doctors. Sometimes it’s tricky to get a mortgage for doctors, especially if you are a locum doctor or…

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Mortgages for doctors – benefits of a broker

Real Benefits of Working with a Specialist Medical Mortgage Broker The mortgage market is extremely competitive. It can be hard…

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Mortgages for doctors – should you get a marathon mortgage

If you’re preparing to take out a mortgage, there are plenty of things to consider. Among them is how long…

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