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BMA Pay Deal or no BMA Pay Deal?

Doctors’ pay has been eroded in real terms since 2008 with our buying power significantly reduced. Sub-inflationary pay rises combined…

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Don’t Miss Out! Things to think about before the Tax Year ends!

The tax year end is once again coming around on 5 April 2024. Here are some things to think about…

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1 million downloads

After 180 episodes and >1,000,000 downloads we need your help to make a podcast We’ve made >180 podcast episodes and…

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Mortgages for doctors in 2023

Navigating Rising Interest Rates: What Doctors Need to Know The recent surge in interest rates has left many doctors concerned…

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What you can do to help build your wealth

This does not constitute advice. Professional advice should be taken prior to acting on any part of it. Dental and…

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How do you know when you’ll be ready for retirement? 

Well, that depends on the answers to a few questions: Do you know about financial planning and the role of…

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Financial advice for Doctors: Top Ten Tips to Help you Grow Your Wealth

As a doctor, you have worked hard to achieve your current level of success. But are you doing everything possible…

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Improve your wealth with these financial New Year’s resolutions

Even if you’re not normally into making New Year’s resolutions, you should try setting some specific financial goals this year….

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Doctors – is it time to review your Wealth Protection Plan?

Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, the importance of protecting your income has become paramount. It’s crucial that you…

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Financial tips for consultants (and most other doctors and dentists)

After dedicating several years to the study of medicine, it can be quite frustrating that you’re also meant to be…

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