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Where to Store Your Cash Savings: Exploring Different Options


Interest rates have been on the rise, which can be concerning for mortgage holders but presents an opportunity for those with cash savings. In this podcast, we discuss various options for storing cash savings and the factors to consider. As financial professionals, we provide insights and clarify misconceptions surrounding these options.

Bank Accounts: A Secure Choice

Storing cash in a bank account is a common and secure option. While interest rates have been historically low, they are now improving. However, it’s important to note that cash stored in a bank account may still be subject to inflation, resulting in a decrease in its value over time. Additionally, the interest earned on bank accounts is taxable, with varying thresholds based on income.

Cash ISAs: Tax-Free Savings

Cash ISAs (Individual Savings Accounts) offer a tax-free way to store cash savings. They have a yearly allowance, with interest earned within the ISA being tax-free. Basic rate taxpayers can earn up to £1,000 in interest tax-free, while higher rate taxpayers have a £500 allowance. Additional rate taxpayers do not have an allowance and are taxed at 45% on their interest earnings.

Lifetime ISAs: A Niche Option

Lifetime ISAs (LISAs) are suitable for those under 40 years old and can be used to save for a first home or retirement. The government adds 25% on top of contributions, up to a maximum annual limit. While LISAs are tax-efficient, they are not as liquid as other options and have specific criteria for accessing the funds.

Premium Bonds: The Excitement of a Lottery

Premium Bonds, offered by National Savings and Investments, provide the opportunity to win cash prizes through a monthly lottery. The prizes are tax-free, and the amount invested is safe. However, returns from premium bonds can be lower compared to other options, and winning a significant prize is unlikely.

Fixed Income Bonds: Government-backed Security

National Savings and Investments also offer fixed income bonds, which provide stable returns over a defined period. These bonds offer higher rates due to the current economic climate but still carry some level of risk. However, they provide protection against the failure of financial institutions, with no limit on the amount protected.

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Offset Mortgages: Reduce Interest Charges

Offset mortgages allow individuals to store cash savings in an offset account, reducing the amount of interest charged on the mortgage. This option can be advantageous for those with fluctuating cash flows, such as self-employed individuals. The rates for offset mortgages have become more competitive recently, making them a viable choice.

Money Market Funds: Low-risk Investment

Money market funds invest in short-term debt from governments, banks, and companies with high credit ratings. These funds provide stability and a small return on investment, making them a low-risk option. However, they are still investments and carry a minimal level of risk compared to traditional savings accounts.

Consider Paying Down High-Interest Debt

If you have cash savings that you don’t need for immediate expenses, it may be wise to consider paying down high-interest debt. This guarantees a return equal to the interest rate on the debt and helps reduce financial burdens.


When it comes to storing cash savings, it’s crucial to consider your specific circumstances and goals. While traditional bank accounts offer security, options like ISAs, LISAs, premium bonds, fixed income bonds, offset mortgages, and money market funds provide alternative avenues. Additionally, paying down high-interest debt should be a priority. Seek professional advice to determine the best course of action based on your individual situation. Remember, the financial landscape is ever-changing, so it’s important to stay informed and regularly review your financial strategy.

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