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All the best specialist medical financial advisers and accountants are getting together in person. And you’re invited...
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until event starts

Whats on the agenda?

Apart from the greatest networking opportunity for specialist medical advisers ever, and the chance to get off Zoom and into the real world, you will also learn from experts.


What does the session cover?


Who is speaking


9.00 – 9.30



9.30 – 9.50

Welcome and Improving how you connect with healthcare professionals


Tommy Perkins , Ed Cantelo and Andy Pow , Medics Money


9.50 – 10.30

NHS pension problems and how to overcome them ?


Graham Crossley, Medifintech


AA and LTA where are we now


10.30 – 10.50

McCloud – NHSBSA time frames – the latest postion


Safura Khan and Vicki Woolley, NHSBSA


10.50- 11.10



11.10 – 11.45

McCloud Update – what we know and what we don’t


Laura Bowler, Pengage


11.45 – 12.15

McCloud Q& A Panel


Laura Bowler, Graham Crossley, Safura Khan, Vicki Woolley and Andy Pow


12.15 – 12.30

Medical Property Update – navigating a period of high interest rates


Ben Oldfield BW Healthcare Surveryors


12.30 – 1.15

Dentists – an update of whats happening in the sector


Arun Mehra , Samera


1.15 – 2.15

Networking and Lunch


2.15 – 3.00

My NHS Pension


Bernie Portasman and Nicola Vickers NHSBA


3.00 – 3.45

PCSE – how to navigate the system and get records right


Katrina Venerus – PCSE


3.45 – 4.05



4.05 – 4.40

A general update on challenges in doctor finance


Andy Pow, Medics Money & AISMA


4.40 – 4.45

Closing remarks and Q & A


Andy Pow, Ed Cantelo

At Medics Money Live in London on 9th November we will:

  • Update your knowledge
    Get the latest updates on financial topics affecting healthcare professionals. You’ll learn from the best experts in NHS Pensions, doctors’ and dentists finances, and doctors themselves
  • Understand what doctors need
    Actual doctors will tell you the financial issues they face and you’ll learn new and innovative ways that you can help more healthcare professionals for minimal extra work.
  • Build connections
    For the first time, all the best best specialist medical accountants and financial advisers in one room collaborating and working together.

Medics Money Live FAQs

The event is for any specialist advisers to the medical profession including accountants, financial advisers, lawyers, lenders and their marketing teams. The event will cover the technical aspects and several sessions on how to attract and retain more medical clients which would benefit the marketing team.

Medics Money Live will be on Thursday 9th November 2023 0900-1700 at the Henry Wellcome Auditorium at the Welcome Collection in London. Centrally located near Euston station with excellent transport links

You can find how to get there here.

Tickets cost £300 plus VAT and include lunch and refreshments throughout the day.

Medics Money Live will be held at the Henry Wellcome Auditorium at the Welcome Collection in London. Centrally located near Euston station with excellent transport links

You can find how to get there here.

Apart from the greatest networking opportunity for specialist medical advisers ever, and the chance to get off Zoom and into the real world, you will also learn from experts.

Here’s the programme:



NHS Pensions will be telling you how to get the most from the new My NHS Pension portal

Tommy and Ed from Medics’ Money will be telling you what doctors need help with and how you can help more doctors

Andy Pow from Medics’ Money will be updating us on the current financial challenges faced by healthcare professionals

Laura Bowler from Pen-gage will be telling you what advisers need to know and do about McCloud

Graham Crossley from Medifintech will be updating us on the latest NHS Pension issues 

PCSE will be telling you how to get the most from their service to make sure GP Pensions data is accurate

We will also get an update on the financial challenges dentists are facing and how you can help them

Buy a ticket to Medics Money Live in London

Places are limited and are filling up fast. If you are interested complete the form below and we will get back to you.

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